
Crypto & Standard Currencies
Wallet & Exchange, Digital Bank

In seconds, with only your email, globally manage cryptocurrencies and regular FIAT currencies like USD, Euro, Peso and others
Receive, Pay, Transfer, Exchange and Invest globally in a very simple way, in one place

Mercury is operative in Alpha stage under continuous modification and updating,
please don't use it yet for real transactions

Open your account in seconds with just your email

Manage all your regular FIAT and  Crypto currencies in one place, including the Mercury's issued Credit Cards, loans, investments and loyalty/couponing points program

Globally receive payments in cryptocurrencies

Mercury automatically creates and assign to your own cryptocurrencies' public addresses.

Merchant and Point of Sale functionality.
Publish the sign at your shop and at your web page showing your own cryptocurrencies addresses and receive globally payments from anyone.



Mercury to Mercury transfers

Receive, send, transfer and pay easily, fast and non expensive cryptocurrencies and FIAT currencies between Mercury's Users

Exchange and Invest

Buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrencies and FIAT standard currencies in a very simple way.
You can instantly convert between your accounts, just select the origination and destination accounts.

Easily Deposit and Withdraw

You can Deposit using cryptocurrency, or FIAT standard currencies using your Credit Card or Bank Transfer.
You can Withdraw sending cryptocurrencies or by a Bank Transfer or using our Mercury issued Credit Card.

P2P Transactions

Mercury additionally acts like a crypto/regular currencies marketplace (like Amazon, eBay or Mercadolibre) for 3rd parties wanting to buy, sell and exchange.

Third parties can accept crypto and pay or collect using personal standard bank  or other wallets transfers.

The seller transfers inside Mercury the crypto to one of the merchants according to the country and payment method and the merchant using his personal bank accounts or wallets, transfer the equivalent amount in local currency to the local bank account or wallet the seller wants.

Mercury monitors and validates the full transaction and merchant track record.

This enabled the FIAT currencies cash to be deposited and withdraw globally using the registered merchants. 

Mercury's own tokens

In Ethereum and Binance BSC Blockchains:

MCS is the Mercury's Stable token which value is always 1 USD

MSI is the first Mercury's Investment token which initial value is 1 USD and its value is market driven



Disrupt in the Crypto & FIAT currencies Wallet, Exchange
& Digital Bank Business

The Challenge

Globally the people has a unsatisfied need to access an easy, fast and simple way to access a way to hold, receive, send, pay, invest, lend, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and standard FIAT currencies like USD, EUR, Pesos, etc.
Just in the $1.5 T market cap registered cryptocurrencies marketspace, $ 100 B are traded every 24hs at a combination of fees, commissions and spread from 1% to 15%
Regarding the traditional Bank system, in the USA alone is closing 200 branches per month because the people is opting for the branchless Digital Bank services.  
MercuryWallet mission is to let all the people access globally the services with a very low entry barrier, low cost and simplicity. 
The Solution

The MercuryWallet service is an online and mobile platform that will disrupt the world of business as we know it today.
We will enable everyone to have an account in a  global network of business driving the digital transformation of companies and customers.
MercuryWallet combines access to the standard financial and banks networks with access to the Blockchains networks and helped by the use of AI Deep Machine Learning will assist the users to improve the way they operate, transact, collect, pay and invest. 
MerciryWallet will combine ChatGPT for the users advising and assistance services. 
The MercuryWallet Marketspace

We envision MercuryWallet to be the next-generation global financial transactions platform that will be used by the People, Enterprises, Government, and other organizations.

MercuryWallet targets to capture a significant portion of:

• The registered $ 100 B are traded in cryptocurrencies every 24hs at a combination of fees, commissions and spread from 1% to 15% and also the yet unregistered cryptocurrencies trading.
• The Digital Bank marketspace where the people is heading, leaving the Traditional Banks.
• The still non banked people, 5% of the total population, only in the USA
• The international money transfers market
• The Investing Funds market generated from the 3rd party assets and money in custody, at least a portion of the $ 1.5 T in cryptocurrencies market cap

We are passionate about the societal impact that a decentralized marketplace can drive by increasing fairness, reducing bias, and creating more inclusion in the technology space. Our platform will connect people and businesses to new markets while reducing the risks of transacting across borders, lowering transaction fees, and increasing security, transparency, and efficiency.

Our Marketplace platform can only be made possible by using next-generation technologies like AI, Deep Machine Learning, ChatGPT and blockchain because of the benefits it brings such as decentralized governance, immutability, and increased disintermediation.

Business Model

The platform integrates multi crypto and multi FIAT standard currencies in one place.
Our basic business model is based on custody, transaction, exchange fees, commissions and spread.
Additionally, we will became an prominent Investing Fund because the amount of 3rd party assets and currency we will have in custody.
We will also offer our own new cryptocurrencies, stable and securities as an option for investment.

Go To Market

Target people globally using direct marketing and advertisement through the social networks.
Build strategic alliances with large companies and government entities.
Target new industries, solution providers, and talent to keep expanding the Platform adoption through an integrated marketing strategy which will include digital marketing, community management, and public relations.
Develop an incentive program to expand to new markets, industries, verticals, and encourage the use of the platform.
In the B2B market compel the Traditional Banks to join the ecosystem using Mercury directly or as a white label Finance as a Service (FaaS).

Offer Highlights

The MercuryWallet platform is already operation in alpha stage, ready for global launching in 30 days.

Was envsioned, developed and implemented by Intewave in order to be spin off once selected the right investing partner for the global marketing and launching.

Interwave has a 25+ years track record of incubating and spinning of innovative companies, among others:

• From the VoIP Group, inc (USA), spin off, envisioned, developed, implemented and maintained for 12 years the IVoDS collaboration and communications system for NASA, connecting the International Space Station and the Shuttle to earth base stations.
• From Interwave Europe spa (Italy), spin off, envisioned, developed, implemented an innovative wireless triple play service using free bands.
• With the (Germany) partner envisioned, developed, implemented and maintained the FreeCall VoIP Click-to-Call telephony service.

About Us

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